Chemical Biology
Gillingham Research Group
Latest News

/ Studies, Doctorate/PhD, Events, Graduated!
Congratulations, Dr. Mota
After a bit more than four years, Pedro Mota successfully defended his thesis titled "Exploring covalent ligands for the E3 ligase substrate receptor DCAF15 as an approach for the recruitment of neosubstrates"
/ News, Research, Doctorate/PhD, Publication
Turning a pan-inhibitor into a selective degrader
In our newest publication from Werner Jauslin, you can dive into a story where we turned a pan-selective PI3K inhibitor into a selective PI3Kα degrader by having a specific linker.
/ News, Studies, Doctorate/PhD, Events, Graduated!
Congratulations, Dr. Jauslin
After four years, Werner Jauslin successfully defended his PhD thesis titled "Exploring PI3Ks and related kinases in targeted protein degradation"
/ News, Research, People, Info
Dr. Lukas Schneider receives the DMCCB PhD Thesis Prize 2024
Dr. Lukas Schneider receives the DMCCB PhD Thesis Prize 2024 for his excellent PhD thesis "A novel selection approach for DNA-encoded libraries using terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase".
/ News, Doctorate/PhD, Events, People, New group member
A trip to Herbstmesse - and a welcome to our new groupmembers!
After our research report, we went to Herbstmesse and introduced our new group members to the traditional Chääsbängel lunch.
/ News, Research, Publication
A new method to select hits in DNA encoded libraries
Our very first JACS paper is about DNA encoded libraries. It describes a novel method to select for hits that performs significantly better than affinity selections - the industry standard (so far). And the best of it - its compatible to…
/ News, Research, Doctorate/PhD
A new DEL STAR on the horizon
Dr. Lukas Schneider won the poster prize for his amazing DELSTAR system at the 11th international DNA-encoded library symposium narrowly over a fascinating native MS poster from a collaborator of Jörg Scheuermann. Congratulations!
/ News, Doctorate/PhD, Events
Group Trip 2023
"Best day of my life", participants say.
/ News, Research, Publication
The cell, 2023, coloured
After review hell, Dr Coomar finally published his PhD work in Molecular Cancer Research - featured on the cover and highlighted by the editors!