Dr. Basilius Sauter
Department of Chemistry
University of Basel
St. Johanns-Ring 19
CH-4056 Basel
Lab: 308
phone: +41 (0)61 207 09 69
email: basilius.sauter@clutterunibas.ch
Basilius started with chemistry in 2005 when he started his apprenticeship as a chemical lab technician at F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG. He then went to the FHNW studying Molecular Life Sciences where he wrote his Bachelor's thesis in organic chemistry at NIBR. For his Master's studies, he went to the University of Basel and joined the group of Prof. Dr. Dennis Gillingham to write his Master's thesis and subsequently joined the group for his PhD in 2016 which he successfully completed with summa cum laude in 2020.
Research Experience
- Current: Postdoctoral researcher and project lead
- 2016-2020: PhD student in the area of DNA encoded libraries, DNA modifying drugs and general data evaluation
- 2012: 3 month practical at the Novartis Institutes of Biomedical Research (NIBR) with Dr. Niko Schmiedeberg in Medicinal Chemistry
- 2011: 6 week practical at BASF with Dr. Reinhold Öhrlein in the field of dendrimers during the semester work
- 2005-2008: Apprenticeship as a lab technician in chemistry at F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, medicinal chemistry
Master degree in organic chemistry: University of Basel, Switzerland
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dennis Gillingham
Project: The selectivity of O-H insertion reactions with diazo compounds and their in situ synthesis under biological
Bachelor degree in molecular life sciences: University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
Supervisor: Dr. Niko Schmiedeberg
Project: Stereoselective Synthesis of 2,6-Diarylmorpholine Building Blocks
An assessment of the mutational load caused by various reactions used in DNA encoded libraries
Basilius Sauter, Lukas Schneider, Cedric Stress & Dennis Gillingham
Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2021, 52, 116508. doi:10.1016/j.bmc.2021.116508
- This article is part of the DNA-encoded library special issue edited by Andreas Brunschweiger.
A DNA‐encoded chemical library incorporating elements of natural macrocycles
Cedric J. Stress, Basilius Sauter, Lukas Schneider, Timothy Sharpe and Dennis G. Gillingham
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 28, 9570─9574. doi:10.1002/anie.201902513
- This article was highlighted in ChemView on the 11. June 2019
- An press release describing the research topic in layman's terms is available in English and in German
- A German version of this article is available with the doi:10.1002/anie.201902513
- This article was published first as a draft in ChemRXiv: Cedric J. Stress, Basilius Sauter, Lukas Schneider, Timothy Sharpe and Dennis G. Gillingham, «A DNA-Encoded Macrocycle Library that Resembles Natural Macrocycles», ChemRxiv 2019. doi:10.26434/chemrxiv.7679984
A new water soluble copper N-heterocyclic carbene complex delivers mild O⁶G-selective RNA alkylation
Dnyaneshwar Rasale, Kiran Patil, Basilius Sauter, Stefanie Geigle, Saule Zhanybekova and Dennis G. Gillingham
Chemical Communications 2018, 54, 9174─9177. doi:10.1039/C8CC04476G
Profiling the nucleobase and structure selectivity of anticancer drugs and other DNA alkylating agents by RNA sequencing
Basilius Sauter and Dennis G. Gillingham
ChemBioChem 2018, 19, 1638─1642. doi:10.1002/cbic.201800235
Genomic studies reveal new aspects of the biology of DNA damaging agents
Dennis G. Gillingham and Basilius Sauter
ChemBioChem 2017, 18, 2368─2375. doi:10.1002/cbic.201700520
The pKa of Brønsted acids controls their reactivity with diazo compounds
Na Fei, Basilius Sauter and Dennis G. Gillingham
Chemical Communications 2016, 52, 47, 7501─7504. doi:10.1039/c6cc03561b