/ News, Doctorate/PhD, People, Graduated!
Well done, Dr. Murawska!

Gosia's studies on MGMT finally payed out and earned her the a Dr. phil.
Is it already 4 years? Gosia started her PhD shortly before Easter 2017, and defended her thesis - shortly before Easter 2021. The presentation on "Study and exploitation of the direct DNA repair protein O6-MethylGuanine MethylTransferase – MGMT" was a wonderful story and proof of how much work you can invest in four years, and still not getting a definite answer. Which only highlights the difficulty of the research topic itself, as MGMT seems still to be very illusive. It was well-visited too, with a audience of more than 70 people that logged in during her presentation - an attest to just how much she was liked across the department.
To congratulate, we will throw her off a cliff gifted her a voucher for hang-gliding to enjoy Switzerland from a perspective she only knows from the airplane. Furthermore, she also got two (pinkish!) metal racks that she can take for cooling her samples during her future postdoctoral work. And we had a group-internal grilling event in the St. Johann-Park - with less than 15 people, complying 100% with current covid rules.