/ News, Research, Doctorate/PhD
A new DEL STAR on the horizon

Dr. Lukas Schneider won the poster prize for his amazing DELSTAR system at the 11th international DNA-encoded library symposium narrowly over a fascinating native MS poster from a collaborator of Jörg Scheuermann. Congratulations!
The international symposium on DNA-encoded chemical libraries was, once again, back in Switzerland at the ETH Zurich after 4 years due to the pandemic break. Organized by Jörg Scheuermann and Dario Neri, the two day symposium was packed with interesting talks both from academia and industry. Both well-known professors such as Andreas Brunschweiger (University of Würzburg), Brian Paegel (UC Irvine), Nicolas Winssinger (University of Geneva) and Xiaoyu Li (Hong-Kong University) and newcomers such as Mike Waring (Newcastle University) were talking, and companies like GSK, Roche, Novartis, WuXi AppTec, HitGen and X-Chem were present and showing their success stories or their new approaches to data analysis - here, the talk from GSK and Roche were especially informative.
During lunch and coffee breaks and the two drinking receptions, the posters were presented - with many interesting new findings. Besides the four posters from our own group, of which three were on proximity-induced screenings, 27 other people competed for the two poster prizes.
On Friday after the last talk, the committee communicated their decision - and our Dr. Lukas Schneider won the poster prize on his fantastic work on DELSTAR - a proximity-induced DNA-encoded library screen that utilizes the unusual terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT). The paper is alreay accepted at JACS, but was sadly not yet published.
Congratulations from everyone, Lukas!